I had to get a J.O.B.
Yes, we've been here at home for three months now and the money ran out. Hubby is working for a roofing/construction company but it doesn't pay quite enough to cover all our expenses. So, reluctantly, I started the search for work.
This time of year is a great time to land something quickly. God blessed and I'm now a part-time, temporary, Wal-Mart Associate. What does that mean? It means that from now until Christmas I'll be putting bottles of pills and other "pharmacy" related items on the shelves at Wal-mart. (And I'll be getting exposed to every bug and illness that walks in off the street. *sneeze* *cough cough* *snort*)
No, it's not your "dream job", but I needed money quickly and in less than an hour of turning in my application, I was called. They hired everybody who showed up for an interview, and, well, there ya go! I don't hate it and I don't love it. I see it as another opportunity to cry out, "God, what in the world are You doing in my life?!?"
Hubby told me I've had a bad attitude since I started though I've tried to keep my chin up. Mostly I've been so tired, I can hardly put one foot in front of the other. And, yesterday I started getting a sore throat and a terrible headache. Hmmm. Maybe the oncoming sickness made me a little less than Ms. Sunshine? *sigh*
Today I didn't have to go to work, and I'm popping the Zicam, garlic, Emergen-C packets, and anything else I can think of to get me through the next few days. It is Thanksgiving after all, and I don't want to be a grumpy sick old lady!
Family members are already on their way to my house for the holiday weekend, and I'm excited to see all of them. I'm very sad that the kids and grandkids who live and serve our country in Hawaii won't be with us. My occasional teary moments over their absence add to the river of snot already flowing because of my cold.
I would like to take time to list everything I'm thankful for since tomorrow is Thanksgiving day, but that would take a LOT of time. So let me list just a few because I need to rush to the store to do my grocery shopping (Yeah I know it is a little late, but I've been working!) and to buy several boxes of Kleenex!
Now, I'm off to the store...y'all can pray I make it back alive!
- Always I'm thankful for my wonderful family both immediate and extended. I love all of you!
- The wonderful land in which I live. I may not always agree with our elected officials and adopted policies, but it is still the greatest place on the planet to call home.
- The fact that God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. With my life always in the middle of some kind of a change it is nice to know there is one solid rock under which I can hide.
- Challenging times--sometimes I have to force myself on this one--that make me call on God to rescue me, for I know He is the only one who can.
- Eternity that awaits and the blood of Jesus Christ that gives me eternal hope and security.
Oh yeah--please pray for deployment to a storm next week! We would SO love that! Thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. May God continue to bless us all and may we all live worthy of His blessings.