I love this stuff!

If you've never tried it, you should. It is "the original creamy, chocolaty hazelnut spread." It is great on apples, bananas, strawberries, or toast, mixed with cream cheese, or honey, .... or just right out of the spoon. You can find recipes on the web using the stuff. It's just...just...just down right luscious. Two tablespoons contain 190 calories and 11 fat grams. That tells you how good it is!
But this post is not about Nutella. It's about my wonderful husband. He's top drawer and I want to brag on him. (I think all married people should brag on their spouse.) Oh, he's not perfect, but neither am I. So it works.
What's so great about my man? He spoils me. He knows I love Nutella. I seldom buy it for myself because, well, it is 190 calories of wonderful flavor but little nutrition. Rick doesn't eat it, and I just can't bring myself to spend money on such a delicacy for "just me." But my beloved will buy it for me anytime I have a craving. I think that is special. But you know what else my sweet hubby does? He pays for a gym membership for me AFTER I've eaten a jar full! Now is that indulgence or what? Makes me want to kiss him just thinking about it!
Now here's what I want you to do. I want you to brag on your spouse. If you're human and married, your spouse deserves a little praise simply because he or she puts up with you on your bad days. I'm sure there are many more reasons for you to brag. So, leave your comments here so we can all know what a great guy or gal you are married to. If you blog, feel free to blog about the wonderful person you are married to and link back to this post, but go ahead and leave a comment too. You don't have to over do it--save a little for the next time we have "Spouse Appreciation Day" here at What's Up. Just let us know one or two things you appreciate about the love of your life.
Anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad.
(Proverbs 12:25)
Hey there,
My super husband...always asks me how my day was. It is the little things. Makes me feel special that he cares. He also...most of the time has dinner at least cooking by the time I get off work. He usually gets home about an hour before I do. It is all the little things that he does...he ask me about my work-outs....( I do mine with Denise Austin) Some days I love her others not so much. He also lets me know if our daughter has posted pictures of our grandson....again on those days I get in later than he does.
I could go on and on, but of all the things he does....the ones I care about the most don't cost a thing. Talk about true love.
Last night Tony folded laundry! I told him I don't think that I have ever seen him do that. There was a pile that needed to be folded on our bed and while I was washing my face I asked him to hang up his work shirts. When I came out of the bathroom he had folded almost all of it! It was so sweet, and he did a good job too!
So you joined a gym huh? What gym? I don't know if that is a sweet gift or not....
Thanks for your comment. I've known Terry for a LONG time. (For my other readers--since 8th grade.) The mental picture I have of him standing at the stove, spoon in hand, gazing into a steaming pot, (Apron on? Na, that would be pushing it) is a conformation that God is still on the throne and miracles still happen today! What a guy!
Tell that son-in-law of mine, "Good boy!!!" Isn't it great when they do something so simple that blesses us so much?
Thanks for sharing. And if you buy the Nutella for the kids, the calories don't count when YOU eat some! That's great too, huh?
Believe it or not, I just had this on crepes in Paris. I don't know... it was good, but it didn't seem quite right for that particular application. : )
I am just catching up. My computer has been in the shop but I have to brag on Jon. The past two days I have had a headache that I could not get rid of. We have had company and when we have people stay it always leaves things to do that I don't normally do. Jon cleanned the whole living room. He even made up the couch bed and vaccuumed the whole room. It looked so nice when he got finished. He does things like that for me all the time but each time it is so very nice that he did it. I think that he is so awesome. I am glad to be back and to see what you have changed.
Thanks for bragging on Jon. I'm sorry you had a headache and hope you are better now. I've missed you the last couple of days, but I've been at other things too and didn't have a chance to post aything. I hope to get myself in a groove, but I'm not making any promises! lol
Hey there,
ME again!!!! I just wanted to look and see if your map was still up and it is not. I was going to try it again. Yes, I do have a little spice in me I just don't bring it out often. My book came in last night and I have read the first two chapters. Not much going on today just going to run some errands. Oh Yeah I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I know, if you are like me....you don't do much anymore to celebrate...but remember we are celebrating because you are in our lives not because you are a year older.
Thanks for the birthday wish. You are a sweetie! Rick made reservations at a nice sea food place on the Bay. We'll share a lovely dinner together. That will be nice.
Aww... What a beautiful, personal way of showing affection. I can relate--I love Nutella too!
I could write a book about how good my wife is to me. In fact I wrote an essay that got published in the local weekly and won her a gift certificate to the local spa/salon. I don't want to give away too much here though. But I will say one thing she does almost all the time is that she adjusts her bedtime to when I want to go to bed. She will just lie there reading until I am ready to be with her and then she puts her book down and listens to me read the daily proverb and crawl in with her. It doesn't matter what time it is she adjusts to me. She is so unselfish like that. That is just one small clue of why I love and appreciate her so much.
Mr. Mitty, (I'm sorry but that name makes me laugh. I prefer your real name, but if you want to be Mr. Mitty, who am I to call you Dave?)
Thanks for your comment. I know your precious wife must love you bunches. It's cool to know that she waits up for you at night just as she has waited for you to come home from foreign lands.
I don't know many men who brag on their wives. Thanks for taking part here!
My husband is "the bomb"! I fell and broke my ankle several years ago. Since then, he does the laundry (all but put it away) so I won't have to go up and down the narrow basement steps. He also does about 90% of the cooking in our home! These are just two of the things that make him special, but the ones I appreciate the most.
Thanks for commenting about your hubby. And thanks for stopping by here. I think we are all better spouses when we feel like we are appreciated. Bless you!
My husband travels alot since he has taken his new job this past April. It has been a big adjustment for me and the kidos. Last week he was home for the entire week (first time in six weeks)and he spoiled me rotten. He made fresh coffee every mornig. He let me sleep in every day. He even went in late to work and took my two older children to school. It was wonderful! We often take for granted the little things.
What a treat and what a blessing!
Yes most of life is made up of the little things so we take them for granted. Thanks for taking time to praise your hubby here. I know what it is like to have your husband away with his job for weeks and months at a time. (Our longes time has been nine months. OUCH!) I'm glad he spoiled you when he got home.
My husband is great about taking the kids (six-year-old boy and eighteen-month-old girl) for hours at a time on the weekend. He takes them to different parks, out to eat, and he's not even scared to take them to the zoo by himself. I really appreciate that time to myself and he knows it.
Thanks for bragging here Melanie. Mom's can use R&R and I'm glad your husband helps you out. What would we do without them?
My husband says, "I know, baby." Do you know how great that is? Men naturally want to tell us how to solve our problems when we present them. However, women seldom want to hear a solution - we usually already know what it is! All we want is someone to listen to us get the problem off our chests. So when I tell him my problems, he listens and automatically says, "I know, baby." And I smile and say, "Thank you, baby."
Hey Girl,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing. How nice it is to be heard and respected by the one you love.
Hey, just wanted to brag about my Hubby! Hubby and I have been married for 11 years... He's not a bring me some roses kind of guys, however, he does bring me my favorite Starbucks and gives me weekly massages. He provides for my family and adores his kids... He is my best friend and the love of my life...
As much as I love getting flowers, that Starbucks and massage sound like a better deal. I'm glad you've got such a good guy. Thanks for leaving your comment!
I don't even know where to start... First, he is a child of God. Second, he welcomed me back with open arms after I walked out on him and my 2 sons. (I know, I already beat myself up enough so you don't have to.) Third, he has provided a living for us to buy anything we need and me stay at home with the boys. Fourth, he has learned to listen without comment (unless it is 'you are perfectly right in feeling that way')...should I go on? He is straight from my savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my hero. I praise him and Him forever.
Wow Amanda! What a testimony of God's goodness and your husband's character. Thanks so much for sharing your brag here. You are an encouragement to me and all who stop by here to read. I'm so happy for you!
Lavond Pflug! As I live and breathe, I have not thought about you in ages. We knew each other at Calvary Baptist in Dumas, many years ago. I am so blessed to have found your blog. Oh, I suppose I should tell you who I am. I am Ida Richardson. We now live in Scott City, KS. Have been here for 8 years now.
Now, about my hubby. We've been married 37 1/2 years. Wow, it seems like only yesterday that I was visitig for our Single Adult Sunday School class and met him. I've praised God daily for sending me the 'perfect' (for me) husband. Even now, as he snores in his recliner, I am thankful that he is the one God sent to me. He is a great Christian man, who loves God and loves me. What more can any woman ask for?
Wow! It's Ida! So what took you to Kansas?
Thanks for your comment here! 37+ years is something to shout about. You're right. A man that loves God and loves you is a good thing to have. A real blessing for sure!
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