Friday, December 12, 2008

Applause, Applause, Applause

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much!
I am happy to accept this award from Ida over at Losing Myself. What an honor it is to be chosen one of ten people she knows.

I mean, one of ten people she knows who tries to make the best of every one of life's challenges.

Ida has passed this blogging award on to some folks who she thinks shows gratitude or a good attitude from, "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!"

Seriously, I'm honored and humbled. Thank you Ida!

I guess I've had a few of life's lemons, but God has been very, VERY good to me. I think about what I deserve, (which is nothing better than the fires of hell) then I try to wrap my mind around all the ways God has blessed me, and all I can do is quiver and cry.

Someday I will stand in the presence of Jesus Christ, and if I have earned any reward, if there be any crown upon my head, I will take it off and lay it at His feet, for He is the reason and the power, and the strength, and the ability...behind every good thing I have ever done, am doing or will ever do. I don't know if He accepts blogging awards, but if He does, a glass of lemonade will go at His feet as well.

Now the rules of the award say that I need to pass it along to ten other people. Humm, let me see...

I know AT LEAST ten people who deserve it, but not all of them have blogs. So here is what I'm going to do.

I'm going to start slowly and award it to a couple of bloggers I think deserve this award. Then, as I come across or think of others, I'll have a place on my sidebar where you can find links to their blogs. And I'll keep after it until I come up with ten. How dose that sound?

I don't know these people personally, but I have read their blogs and what I have seen there prompts me to pass along this award. May God bless each of them for their inspiration to us all.

First, I'd like to award Sharon over at The Old Oak Swing the Lemonade Award. This woman is in the middle of a big basket of lemons. She could use your prayers. I am amazed every day at how her attitude remains so sweet in the midst of her trials.

Secondly, I think the Lemonade Award should go to Richard and Jennifer at Surviving Life's Curveballs. Grab a box of Kleenex before you click on this link. I can't imagine (don't want to imagine) the pain this couple has experienced. Only God could put smiles back on their faces.

Thank you both for inspiring and encouraging me through your blogs. May God continue to heal and bless.
Thanks again Ida.


Sharon said...

:) Thank you so much for the award. I'll be by within the next day or so to pick it up. . .when I'm more up to posting and all :)

Thanks and God Bless,

Sharon said...

I wanted to thank you again and let you know I did the post today.

Jennifer said...

Thank you for the award and I am honored and humbled. I apologize if the blog is a bit of a tear jerker, but happier times are on the way! Blessings to you!

Carol said...

I am so happy for you. I have really enjoyed lurking in your blog. You have to visit mine today. I linked to your blog. Remember when you commented on my pictures about 'when the water ceases to flow"....They have now ceased! Thanks for stopping by and congrats to you! Carol at "Choose Joy"

Unknown said...

Uh, so where's the photo award I gave ya huh? LOL! Hugs!