Life really has been pretty dull these past few weeks. The heat, humidity, and misquotes have kept me from taking a paddle boat ride on the lake or playing a round of mini golf. Hubby and I have taken a bike ride around the park most evenings, and aside from the bug bites, that has been the high point of my days.
Hubby has had about all of the Chicago traffic and crowded streets he can stand, so it was a very thoughtful thing he did last Sunday--took me into the city to look around a bit.
Yeah, some of the folks here are a little different.
I also saw at least three different stores, within a three block walk, where hundreds of hand blown and artistic bongs were sold. Not my kind of souvenir.
I enjoyed riding around downtown
Chicago's public library
If you can't get tickets inside the ball park, then maybe you can get a seat atop one of the businesses across the street.
For you football fans, yes we drove by Soldier Field. I was very impressed. It was pouring rain at the time and because there were a lot of activities going on in that part of town that day, there was no place to park. I didn't get a picture. I'm kinda sad about that because it is a cool looking stadium.
NASCAR fans, don't feel left out. We also drove by and took a look at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet. Seen one speedway you've seen em' all, right? Well, maybe not, but I didn't take any photos there either. Gates were locked and we couldn't get very close. But now hubby can say he's been there.
Look at all those tall skinny houses! How do people live like that? And like it?
When buildings are this close together, this country girl starts humming that "Elbow Room" song.
My favorite part of the day was the little bit of time we spent at Lake Michigan.
The sky was cloudless. When I got out of the truck down by the lake, helicopters flew over. How many do you see in this picture? The one in the lower left corner...that's a big ol' dragon fly! I was so proud that I was able to catch all three in the same frame! Whoo hoo!
The water was so blue and so clear! Absolutely beautiful!
It was a hot day--so hot the birds were panting.
The best part of our lake visit was it enabled me to make progress in completing my toe dippin' project. What's that? Well, I have a goal. I want to dip my toes in all the major bodies of water that surround this great country. So far I've dipped my toes into the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Ontario, ...
and now Lake Michigan. Just three lakes to go! I'm trying to decide if I should add the Alaskan Gulf and the Bering Sea to my list. What do you think?
While wading in the lake, I saw this cute little heart shaped rock. All together now...AWWwwww.
That about does it for our day in the big city. We did take a few minutes on a different day and checked out the old Joliet prison. It has been in several movies over the years. With all the hype you'd think they would offer tours, but driving around the outside is the whole experience.
There was this sign on the fence though.
Well DUH! I don't know why this made me laugh, but it did.
Now we've said goodbye to Chicago and moved on down the road. Ever heard of Edwardsville, IL? Me neither--until now. We will be here a week and then, if we are not redeployed, will be homeward bound.So, a new campground, a new laundry room, and another page in this adventure. I'll be looking for the dashing and bold!
Oh yeah! Before I go, I did promise to show you my sewing projects. Do I have any seamstress readers? If so, what are you sewing?
This is a "retro" apron I made for a friend. I had fun making it and was tempted to keep it for myself. (Aren't I awful?)
I wanted a new summer robe. If this doesn't wake me up in the mornings I don't know what will! What can I say...Bold isn't it!?!