Monday, July 7, 2008

Until I Can Post My Pictures...

Well I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! We had a pretty nice weekend. That's why I've not posted in a few days. We were able to take a few hours off and do a little sightseeing.

I've got pictures and will be getting them organized and posted over the next few days. I'm trying to finish up my homework assignment (it was due on the first and I'm still not done) and I HAD to do a load of laundry today. I've had phone calls that have taken some of my time too. I'm not complaining mind you. I love visiting with family and friends so I don't mind the calls at all. But I can't talk and post at the same time. I find multi-tasking harder than it used to be. (Another downside of being part of the "over 40" crowd.)

Now, while you wait to read about our train ride, our boat trip, and our visit to the fort...

I can't believe someone has not commented on my "Lessons Learned the Hard Way." Am I the only dummy who has ever tried to put kiwi fruit in jell-o? And has no one else ever parked under a pecan tree? Gee whiz. I thought I'd get either some sympathy or some wise cracks, or maybe someone that would ask WHY you can't put kiwi in jell-0 or park under a pecan tree. Guess I'm in the corner wearing the pointy hat!


Brittney said...

I never commented on your jello dish simple because.....I read somewhere a long long time ago...or maybe Mom tried the kiwi thing. Parking under things that fall...not for the camera...well I never have mine with me either. I know I have learned much more than just three things the hard way....right now off the top of my head I don't know just what they may be.....(Did I really learn anything then??))) Makes me wonder, but Melissa says I am a good person.....Looking forward to seeing your new pictures. Guess that one took.

Tricia said...

I put kiwi in jello, when we lived in Kansas. It never set up, and if you look on the box it says not to put Kiwi in it. (For a good reason I guess.) It was when I was on the diet, so I wanted to eat it really bad so I tried it anyway. It turned into Kiwi Strawberry soup, which was still pretty good.

Lavonda Pflug said...

Okay Tricia, where was I when you learned ya can't do the kiwi thing? My box of jello only said not to put fresh pineapple in it. I had bananas, strawberries, and kiwi. I put the whole mess in the freezer. We ate it frozen and icy. Not bad but ya had to eat it in a hurry or it was, as you said, soup.